Trans activists are now arguing wrong-sex hormones are too much to ask of cheating male athletes. (Talk about demanding a mile with every inch.)
A man is, by definition, ineligible in women’s sports. Symbolically lowering his current testosterone levels* shouldn’t impact his ineligibility in the female category whatsoever. Ineligible cradle to grave. However, I’d like to address this intimation of coercion.
Let’s pack the pity party banners away in favour of acknowledging that not a single adult in the Western world** is forced into a hormonal imbalance or cosmetic surgery. Rather, the (very few) trans-identified men who choose these procedures are afforded privileges not granted to other men.
It gets worse.
In jurisdictions where self-id runs roughshod over women’s rights there is no criteria. I lie, there is one: a man must be able to string together the phrase “I’m a woman” or else imply it through a coat of poorly applied lipstick or a “She/Her” pin. Truly, a Herculean feat no man would ever attempt unless he truly were a woman. (Apparently, wishful thinking transmogrifies you into the opposite sex.)
In Victoria, you only need to write a letter declaring yourself a woman, and a friend a supporting letter, to falsify your record of sex. Of course, it’s not like security guards are stationed outside of the few remaining female-only spaces, checking licences to determine which men are the special, entitled men and which haven’t yet penned a letter detailing their penchant for ladies’ lingerie, masochism, or the touching story of how they once elected to play with a Cabbage Patch doll rather than a Tonka Truck, aged three.
(Yes, that’s right, three is the age the gender clinics are happy to take ‘em. And then it’s not long before it’s time for puberty blockers—and irreversible cognitive impairment, bone demineralisation, and no hope of sexual or reproductive functioning as adults.)
Unisex toilets (sometimes labelled “all genders”) abound, often in close quarters with male toilets. That sends quite the message to women about their place, to be inferred given their erasure, in the hierarchy.
Organisations encouraging trans-identified men and women to use “whatever bathroom makes [them] comfortable” also shows a similar level of contempt for the new underclass i.e. everyone who’s not a loony sex-denialist. This is illegal; you need to change your documentation to use the opposite sex facilities. Ironically, no one else gets to be “comfortable”. Thanks man who “just wants to pee” in close proximity to women and girls. (I’m surprised they opt for “euphoric” or “validated”. What’s “comfortable” about rubbing elbows with the sanitary bin anyway?)
I can’t think of anyone more coddled, celebrated, or privileged than men claiming to be women. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of what any man can do with impunity and under the auspices of the government in the current hellscape:
Injure female athletes, cheat at sports, and collect ill-gotten prize money, athletic scholarships and sponsorship deals.
Win women’s beauty pageants while being a) unattractive and b) not women. (In fact, be given anything and everything without being qualified or even eligible.)
Be placed in prime position to terrorise, assault, and impregnate female cellmates (even as convicted rapists, torturers, and murders of women) while demanding taxpayers fund their beauty regimes and cosmetic surgeries.
Retraumatise and gaslight rape victims who must now pretend their rapist’s (often post hoc) declaration of woman-ness is anything other than deeply offensive perjury (also known as “respecting” their rapist’s misogynistic fantasies).
Watch women and girls disrobe in female change rooms i.e. commit exhibitionism and voyeurism. Get away Scot-free with sexual assault in female-only and “gender neutral” (unisex) bathrooms and change rooms given that a) the bar for evidence has been raised insurmountably higher than “This bloke was lurking in the ladies” and b) their sacred caste status.
Sexually assault women and girls through cavity/strip searches and intimate care.
Force people to refer to them as though a member of the opposite sex. (It’s never enough to call them a man with a “woman” gender identity, is it?)
Force people to self-describe as a gender identity or as “cis” to prop up their fictitious identities.
Bully people who categorically are not attracted to members of their sex into sleeping with or dating them.
Impinge on dating apps and speed dating events created to cater to people who are categorically not attracted to their sex, often wearing fetish gear. (You cannot, in fact, identify as being attractive to someone.)
Inflict their fetish (autogynephilia) on non-consenting participants, including children.
Demand the use of dehumanising terms for girls and women (labels reducing them to isolated body parts or bodily functions) to ensure female physiology is never implied as being in any way associated with being female, let alone as its sole basis.
Claim that women’s sex-based oppression is based on a feeling a man has in his head (gender identity) that women are required to purport to share in order to still be counted as women. (I find it hilarious when someone refers to me as “they” because I refuse to play the declare-your-pronouns game when I am 100% sure they’d never dare do this to a man—in or out of a dress. Equally hilarious, when they refuse to use third-person pronouns in your bio altogether, as punishment for not wanting “Moron/Moronself” in parentheses beside your name.)
Erase all mention of girls and women from any sentence exclusively about them so that clearly gendered problems take on an unsolvable and amorphous quality.
Corrupt gender equality data, crime stats, and all other statistics so that they are no longer fit for purpose and provide a distorted view of the world that cloaks the realities of discrimination, sexual harassment, and gendered violence.
Most of these privileges extend to likewise sexist, deluded, entitled, narcissistic—sometimes even fetishistic—women, though they are less likely to be humoured, being women and all.
Predictably, few “trans men” are champing at the bit to be included in men’s prisons. Almost invariably, gender identity evaporates into a cloud of mist where it would otherwise spell the end of a successful sporting career or put one in harm’s way. Almost as if gender identity—shortened to “gender”, the synonym of sex, by the duplicitous—is just a fleeting feeling or a personality label you can shirk off at the drop of a hat. Probably quite literally.
Meanwhile, women—and male critics who oppose this cult specifically on the grounds of being sexist claptrap—aren’t allowed to publicly criticise any of this without loss of employment, a platform, or services. Not to mention, a deluge of death and/or rape threats from men who—though this escapes their awareness—underscore the ongoing need for sex-segregated spaces.
Even complicit silence will not sate gender ideologues; enthusiastic support in the form of compelled speech is a must when it comes to these fanatics, fantasists, and fabulists.
While every male predator is eventually going to claim to be a woman, I don’t distinguish between men-pretending-to-be-women and men-pretending-to-be-men-pretending-to-be-women. Both are men, neither are women. Men, regardless of what feelings they claim to feel, are capable of sexual predation and I’d rather not expose every single girl and woman to every single sexual predator while the former is vulnerable and/or undressed.
It doesn’t matter how much or little effort a man puts into his woman disguise; it doesn’t even matter how many distracted and nearsighted he thinks it fools.*** I don’t care if a surgeon’s shaved down your jaw, or if you haven’t shaved off your beard—you are no more (and no less) a woman than every other man. Not a single, solitary man should be afforded the “right” to destroy women’s safety, privacy, dignity, and opportunity in the public sphere. Nor is it the right of any one woman to cede women’s rights and provisions, hard-won and centuries in the making. (And they call themselves “progressive”.)
Being a woman has everything to do with being female and nothing to do with male feelings, desires, failings, fetishes, health issues, or stereotypes held about the opposite sex. The experience of womanhood is varied but the one constant is being an adult female human.
*It doesn’t magically undo his greater heart size, lung capacity, or alter his musculoskeletal structure, which is irrelevant considering women’s sports don’t exist to make enfeebled men feel better about their life choices. What does a man have to do to be eligible for women’s sports? “Mu”. Not applicable.
**Some children are forced by parents hoping to a) “trans the gay away” and/or b) reap social media clout; some Middle Eastern men are forced after being caught engaging in sexual activity with other men.
***Even the men with the most extensive surgeries don’t look like women outside of closely-cropped, edited to high heaven still images. Incidentally, this is my response to “How do you know no man has passed himself off as a woman, you wouldn’t know if he had!” Truly, the most dimwitted attempt at a “gotcha” I’ve ever had the misfortune to hear.
Although, having said this, I have observed that for certain men, a “woman” is anyone who provokes sexual arousal. Some men define a woman as anyone who performs femininity, embodying not the female form but its unnatural exaggeration such as the constant flush of ovulation achieved through blush and lipstick, or the deepened spinal curvature afforded through high heels. Men can wear stilettos and slather on Ruby Woo just as easily as a woman—after all, there nothing about this act that is inherently female.
As neuroscience superstar Ramachandran contends “exaggerated forms hyperactivate neurons in viewers' brains” which is why caricature dominates art and, I think, also explains the popularity of “tranny” and “she-male” pornography—the world’s most un-PC media nevertheless beloved by the Woke—among men who would not hesitate to label themselves heterosexual. Tragicomic.
I have to wonder if such porn-warped men, deeply enamored of the hyper-reality of men attempting to emulate the male-dictated appearance of female porn stars, wouldn’t doff their hats and greet an art installation of a long-haired wig suspended over a pair of heels with “Ma’me”. Again, comical—but sad given the degree to which men’s sexual appetites dictate the place of women in society.
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"In jurisdictions where self-id runs roughshod over women’s rights there is no criteria."
Amen to that. A more odious "idea" -- rather delusion -- is scarcely imaginable. Apropos of which & ICYMI, an article and my comment thereon over at "The Transatlantic" -- not a pun on or allusion to transgenderism:
"The dislocations experienced around gender identity ideology have revealed the great threat couched in abnegation of the scientific disposition."
But welcome back -- seems you've been away 4 or 5 months? Any follow-up or further developments on your "Letters Into a Cold Void?" 🙂
But apropos of which and of your latest, I still think it's rather unwise for women in particular to be betting the farm on the definition for "woman" as "adult human female" -- not least because, as I argued over there, both "male" and "female" are transitory states, not identities, much less immutable ones.
Methinks a better bet might be "adult human with ovaries of past, present, or future functionality" -- joining the definition at the hip with "female" is "problematic". Ran across this recently which emphasizes the point:
Wiley: "A widespread misconception among philosophers, biomedical scientists and gender theorists – and now also among some authors and editors of influential science journals – is that the definition of the biological sex is based on chromosomes, genes, hormones, vulvas, or penises, etc. .... Another reason for the wide-spread misconception about the biological sex is the notion that it is a condition, while in reality it may be a life-history stage.[33] For instance, a mammalian embryo with heterozygous sex chromosomes (XY-setup) is not reproductively competent, as it does not produce gametes of any size. Thus, strictly speaking it does not have any biological sex, YET. [my emphasis]."