What's a girl to do in the face of such "unassailable" competition? 😉🙂 Short of crossing the River Styx yourselves ...
But arguably, as maybe you're alluding to, that is the crux of the problem with transgenderism, the desperate desire of too many transwomen, in particular, to identify "with" their mothers so much that they identify AS women. Some serious pathologies there that go rather deep -- I'm reminded of the rather "dark" movie "Reflections in a Golden Eye".
And, maybe arguably, so deep and so pervasive as to condemn us all -- present company excepted, of course 😉🙂. Everyone but me and thee, and I have doubts about ... me. But reminds me of another classic, Generation of Vipers, by Philip Wylie who apparently coined the term "momism". A particularly damning passage, of many, therefrom:
PW: “We must understand mom before we lose touch with understanding itself.
I showed her as she is—ridiculous, vain, vicious, a little mad. She is her own fault first of all and she is dangerous. But she is also everybody’s fault. When we and our culture and our religions agreed to hold woman the inferior sex, cursed, unclean and sinful—we made her mom. And when we agreed upon the American Ideal Woman, the Dream Girl of National Adolescence, the Queen of Bedpan Week, the Pin-up, the Glamour Puss – we insulted women and disenfranchised millions from love. We thus made mom. The hen-harpy is but the Cinderella chick come home to roost: the taloned, cackling residue of burnt-out puberty in a land that has no use for mature men or women.
Mom is a human calamity. She is also, like every calamity, a cause for sorrow, a reproach, a warning siren and a terrible appeal for amends.”
What's a girl to do in the face of such "unassailable" competition? 😉🙂 Short of crossing the River Styx yourselves ...
But arguably, as maybe you're alluding to, that is the crux of the problem with transgenderism, the desperate desire of too many transwomen, in particular, to identify "with" their mothers so much that they identify AS women. Some serious pathologies there that go rather deep -- I'm reminded of the rather "dark" movie "Reflections in a Golden Eye".
And, maybe arguably, so deep and so pervasive as to condemn us all -- present company excepted, of course 😉🙂. Everyone but me and thee, and I have doubts about ... me. But reminds me of another classic, Generation of Vipers, by Philip Wylie who apparently coined the term "momism". A particularly damning passage, of many, therefrom:
PW: “We must understand mom before we lose touch with understanding itself.
I showed her as she is—ridiculous, vain, vicious, a little mad. She is her own fault first of all and she is dangerous. But she is also everybody’s fault. When we and our culture and our religions agreed to hold woman the inferior sex, cursed, unclean and sinful—we made her mom. And when we agreed upon the American Ideal Woman, the Dream Girl of National Adolescence, the Queen of Bedpan Week, the Pin-up, the Glamour Puss – we insulted women and disenfranchised millions from love. We thus made mom. The hen-harpy is but the Cinderella chick come home to roost: the taloned, cackling residue of burnt-out puberty in a land that has no use for mature men or women.
Mom is a human calamity. She is also, like every calamity, a cause for sorrow, a reproach, a warning siren and a terrible appeal for amends.”
Maybe arguably, the endpoint of that is Norman Bates and “It’s ma’am”: